Temporarily, at least, no comments are allowed on this blog until after certain changes are made. Thanks for understanding.
I welcome constructive, civil comments on my posts on this personal blog, including comments that offer a different viewpoint from my own. However, no one has the right to have their comments appear here. If your comment is insulting, uses foul language, links to objectionable (e.g., obscene) material, is an attempt to sell something or solicit business, diverts attention away unhelpfully from the subject, or is otherwise unacceptable in my opinion, I will refuse to allow it. This also applies to anyone who seemingly agrees with me theologically but commits any of the aforementioned offenses. On this site (and nowhere else, mind you!) I am a benevolent dictator. Typically those attempting to post such unacceptable comments will not be told why I didn’t allow it (I may offer an explanation at my discretion in some instances). I may choose to respond to your comment, or I may choose not to do so. If I do respond, this is not an invitation to a protracted exchange. I love a good discussion, but I have limited time and simply cannot respond to everything.
If I don’t approve your message immediately and you think it isn’t objectionable, don’t assume the worst; I might just need a day or two to get to it (we’ll see how this goes). If I don’t approve your message at all, it doesn’t mean I think you’re a bad person (necessarily!); I might simply have decided it isn’t appropriate in that place.
If in the unlikely event submitted comments for a particular post become simply too numerous (or there are too many inflammatory comments being submitted) I will turn off commenting for that post. I might also do so after a period of time has passed.
If we do not already know each other and you do not have some legitimate purpose for contacting me, please do not write to me with the expectation that I will answer you personally. Again, I can only give a limited amount of time to such online or electronic discussions. If you don’t understand why I say that, you aren’t busy enough!
I am also the executive director of the Institute for Religious Research. Please visit our website and consider supporting us if you find our work helpful.